SGI缩写的意思-Sveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation)
- 【英文缩写】: SGI
- 【英文全称】: Sveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation)
- 【中文解释】: Sveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation)
- 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
- 【缩写简介】: SGI 相关英文缩写
以上为Sveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation)英文缩略词SGI的中文解释及分类。
英文缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文意思 |
SGI | Sveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation) | Sveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation) |
SGI | Services of General Interest (European postal working group) | 一般利益服务(欧洲邮政工作组) |
SGI | Silicon Graphics Image (filename extension) | Silicon Graphics Image(文件扩展名) |
SGI | Silicon Graphics Image Bitmap graphics | 硅图形图像位图图形 |
SGI | St George International (UK school) | 圣乔治国际(英国学校) |
SGI | Sunshine in Government Initiative | 阳光政府倡议 |
SGI | Saskatchewan Government Insurance | 萨斯喀彻温省政府保险 |
SGI | Supernatural Ghost Investigation | 超自然幽灵调查 |
SGI | Soybean Genomics and Improvement | 大豆基因组学与改良 |
SGI | Scientific Geographical Interest | 科学地理兴趣 |
- SGI Sveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation)
- SARA Ställning, Andning, Riktning, Avfyring (Swedish shooting reminder)
- SIAC SocietÀ Italiana Assicurazione Crediti (Italian insurance company)
- SAD Sistema de AdquisiciÓn de Datos (Spanish: Data Acquisition Systems)
- SCSU 学校教育学生联盟(加拿大多伦多大学)
- SOA Sigurnosno Obavještajna Agencija (Security and Intelligence Agency)
- SDK SÜddeutsche Krankenversicherung (health insurance company; Germany)
- SII SÍndrome de Intestino Irritable (Spanish: Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- ROA Russkaya Osvoboditel 'naya Armiya(俄罗斯:俄罗斯解放军)
- RCP ReanimaciÓn Cardiopulmonar (Spanish: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
- PAMS 申请人提供的Pellcomp管理系统软件有限公司、英国
- PSC Programme des SpÉcialistes Canadiens (Canadian Specialists Program)
- PREP 犯人的阅读鼓励项目,公司(纽约,纽约)
- PJF PolicÍa Judicial Federal (Spanish: Federal Judicial Police, Mexico)
- PSE Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne(波兰国家电网运营商)